
Thank you for your interest in our website, we hope you find it useful. Our goal is to keep the community informed on what’s happening on Holden Beach and in the surrounding area.


  • Holden Beach Locator

    Holden Beach Locator

    Handy directory of local businesses in the immediate vicinity of the island

  • Restaurant Reviews – North

    Restaurant Reviews – North

    Ratings reflect the reviewer’s reaction to food, ambiance and service, with price taken into consideration. Rating of stars is “regionally adjusted” and is based off a limited number of visits.

  • Restaurant Reviews – South

    Restaurant Reviews – South

    Ratings reflect the reviewer’s reaction to food, ambience and service, with price taken into consideration. Rating of stars is “regionally adjusted” and is based off a limited number of visits.

  • Dining Guide – Favorites

    Dining Guide – Favorites

    Guide of favorite restaurants in the area

  • Dining Guide – Local

    Dining Guide – Local

    Restaurants on Holden Beach and in the surrounding area

  • Dining Guide – North

    Dining Guide – North

    Guide of restaurants north of the area

  • Dining Guide – South

    Dining Guide – South

    Guide of restaurants south of the area

  • Wine Top Picks – Red

    Wine Top Picks – Red

    For the value conscious consumer, I have created a Wine Value Index (WVI) which identifies the best wine value: high quality, moderately priced and widely available.

  • Wine Top Picks – White

    Wine Top Picks – White

    For the value conscious consumer, I have created a Wine Value Index (WVI) which identifies the best wine value: high quality, moderately priced and widely available.